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- OPJS Update -Friday 15th May
OPJS Update -Friday 15th May
Backafternoon sunshine.
As you can imagine, it's been quite an eventful week for us all at OPJS following the announcement on Sunday. Indeed, this week has been spent looking at the DfE guidance, updates, preparing plans as well as discussing with stakeholders the way ahead. Further information and details, such as our school's plan and risk assessments, will be issued early next week. In the meantime, please find below a link to a letter from the PAT CEO Mr Tim Withers highlighting our trust's view as well as this week's OPJS Newsletter. I hope that both find you well.
Finally, not to sound like a broken record, thank you once again for your continued support during this challenging time. Indeed, your messages regarding the OPJS Oscar worthy Paper Planes are much appreciated!
Have a good weekend when it comes and keep safe.
Kind regards,
Mr Dave Goucher