21 March 2025
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An Engaging and Creative Curriculum!
At Oldfield Park Junior School we strongly believe in providing a broad, balanced and highly engaging curriculum so as to inspire and motivate the children in our care, and also to draw on the talents and expertise of our staff.
Year Group S-Plan Overviews:
During their time at Oldfield Park Junior School, our children will experience an exciting, creative curriculum that has been designed in order to connect knowledge across weeks, terms and even years. Constantly under refinement, we hope that the experiences and learning we provide will foster curiosity and a love of learning. Below you will find the year group s-plans detailing our pupil's current learning journey at the school:
Year 3 S-Plan - The OPJS Learning Journey.pdf
Year 4 S-Plan - The OPJS Learning Journey.pdf
Year 5 S-Plan - The OPJS Learning Journey.pdf
Year 6 S-Plan - The OPJS Learning Journey.pdf
Subject S-Plans:
Subjects are taught so that learning and understanding build upon one another coherently. Children are encouraged to reflect on, and retrieve prior learning in order to enhance and develop their individual understanding of new concepts, knowledge and ideas.
Below you can access a more detailed overview of our curriculum's subject areas and how they all connect together from Key Stage 1 to the end of their time with us in Year 6:
Art Curriculum KS1 to Year 6.pdf
Computing Curriculum KS1 to Year 6.pdf
Design Technology Curriculum KS1 to Year 6.pdf
English Curriculum KS1 to Year 6.pdf
Geography Curriculum KS1 to Year 6.pdf
History Curriculum KS1 to Year 6.pdf
Music Curriculum KS1 to Year 6.pdf
Physical Education Curriculum KS1 to Year 6.pdf
Primary Languages Curriculum KS1 to Year 6.pdf
PSHE Curriculum KS1 to Year 6.pdf
Religious Education Curriculum KS1 to Year 6.pdf
Science Curriculum KS1 to Year 6.pdf
Key Concepts (A Cohesive Curriculum):
Our curriculum adheres to the 2014 National Curriculum through the use of Key Concepts that help connect the children's learning experiences not just across topics, but also across terms and even years. These concepts are made explicit to the children and displayed throughout the school, so that they fully understand that their learning journey is continuous and connected.
Below you will find an example of the Key Concepts we use for Art:
Here's how we plan our curriculum across both Oldfield Park Schools:
A weekly Primary Languages lesson (French, Spanish or German) as well as opportunities for the children to be exposed to other languages through our "Language of the Term" sessions, language based visits to local secondary schools, and our involvement in the "European Day of Languages".
Two sessions of Physical Education.
A discrete weekly PSHE and RE lessons.
Swimming for Y5 and Y6.
Year 3 will have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument.
A weekly well-being session ("Feelgood Friday") that focusses upon Thrive, maintaining mental health and well-being for all.
OPJS also holds an "Enrichment Day" whereby, as part of the broad and balanced curriculum, a range of different activities ranging from Animation through to Yoga take place. The aim of this day is to expand our children's horizons even further!
Teaching and Learning at Oldfield Park Junior School:
Below you will find a booklet detailing our thorough and engaging approaches to teaching and learning:
The OPJS Teaching and Learning Handbook.pdf
Marking and Presentation at Oldfield Park Junior School:
Below you will find a booklet detailing our marking and presentation guidelines (including handwriting):
Marking and Presentation at OPJS.pdf