Please find below our last three OFSTED reports, starting with our most recent one in October 2019. Here's an extract:
Oldfield Park Junior School continues to be a good school. |
What is it like to attend this school? |
Pupils love coming to this friendly school. They saythat they enjoy their lessons,feelcompletely safeand that all adults take good care of them. Pupils’ joy of learning is plain to see. Pupilsshow high levels of concentration and enthusiasm. Theystick at something if they find it difficult. Pupils listen well to their teachers and readily work with each other to share ideasand solve problems. Pupils get on very well with each other and with all staff. Teachers expect much of their pupils and plan learning that both excites and engages them. Pupils respondby giving their all in lessons. The library is a hive of activity at break and lunchtime,as pupils search out new books or hunt for information on the internet. They relish all the school has to offer. Nearly everyone takes part in thevery wide range ofsporting and cultural activities that take placeafter school. Behaviour across the school is impeccable. Pupils are courteous and polite and older pupils readily help out younger ones. They look out for others and say that unkind behaviour and bullying is not known. |