BackEvening Parents/Carers,
Apologies for contacting you during bedtime routines, but just a couple of things to let you know about. Here goes!
I got chills......
As the weather turns, we're having to face the problem of ensuring adequate ventilation in classrooms in line with Public Health guidance while at the same time keeping warm as the temperature drops! Brrrrr! It's an interesting one that's for sure!! Please could you ensure that your child wears an extra layer under their uniform to keep them comfortable - this could be a t-shirt or long sleeve top underneath their polo shirt for example. We will, of course, endeavour to keep to a minimum the number of windows open - in line with the guidance we have to follow. Finally, as you know, we are a big believer in play at OPJS so we will be out playing in pretty much all weathers (within reason) so please do ensure that your child has a coat with them. When it gets even chillier then hats, scarves and gloves are a must! :-)
Home Learning
Many thanks for the emails and questions regarding the arrangements for home learning if we have to close bubbles. Although similar to how we approached learning in lockdown, we will be using some online teaching to complement this provision. This will be in the form of online videos prepared by staff so as to help and support any work that is set as we believe this is more effective than standalone and timetabled 'live' lessons. Things may change so please do keep an eye out.
As you may have noticed we currently have two School Crossing Patrols on duty at the moment as Miss Butler and I dive in to help Tina. The reason for this is to ensure a smooth end to the day, increase safety for all and to avoid any possible congestion. It is going well; however, I am concerned at the level of inconsiderate and illegal parking by some parents/carers. Indeed, some parking is making it exceptionally challenging for both Tina and I and, to be fair, making it unsafe. Please ensure that there is no parking anywhere outside of school that is marked by the yellow dashes on the pavement or directly outside the wooden school gates. Thanks for your help in this.
Apologies to end on a slightly negative tone; it's just something that I needed to mention as I don't want anyone to come to harm.
Have a good rest of evening and here's to a great, if not soggy, Friday!
Kind regards,
Mr Dave Goucher